Faber offers you the best in pre-press book preparation, digital and offset printing.
Our team is equipped to develop graphic layouts for your business and advertising materials - from individual components to a complete campaign strategy.
If you would like for us to publish your book, all you need to do is give us a copy of your manuscript. Our specialists will take care of everything else, including:
- text typesetting
- orthographic proofreading
- stylistic editing
- scanning (out of books, pictures or slides)
- retouching and processing of images
- book layout
- Cover design (at least 2 variations)
- preparation of originals and imagesetting
We are, of course, also happy to prepare any maps, tables, formulas or diagrams you may wish to include in your book. We work with all kinds of languages, living, exotic and extinct. If necessary, we can create a unique font according to your specifications.
If you require an electronic edition of your book, you've once again come to the right place. We can take care of every aspect of production, from menu and software design to leaflet layout and selection of the CD case.
We do not charge for proof sheets; we will make as many as necessary in order for your book to be perfect.
And do you know what the best thing is? All of pre-press operations for offset printing are free of charge!

Digital printing
We have four digital presses (format SRA3 – 320 x 456 mm) suitable for printing small and medium runs on all types of paper and carton from 60 to 300 gr/m2 at perfect quality from the first page to the last.
Faber has developed its own unique technology for digital book printing (a variant od the so-called Books on Demand). This method makes it possible to print small runs – even a single copy - of books at the highest possible quality, while each copy costs the same amount regardless of the size of the printing run. Books on Demand is well-suited for thesis and diploma papers, advance and project copies, trial runs, etc. The prices we offer for runs of up to 100 copies are unbeatable. Furthermore, it is possible for corrections to be made and additional copies to be ordered at any time.
Note. Pre-press for digital printing is charged about 0.15 Euro/page, depending of the difficulty of the project.

Offset printing
We offer high-quality color offset printing in dimensions up to 50/70 cm, as well as:
- Laminating – up to 350 mm wide, one- or double-sided
- Finishing of business and advertising materials (business cards, forms, folders, invoices, invitation and greeting cards, menus, posters and packaging) and:
- leaflets
- brochures
- books – paperback or hardcover
Books may be softcover (with sewn or unsewn binding) or hardcover (with flat or rounded spines).
The finished product is packed in thermofoil, paper or cardboard boxes and delivered directly to the client’s address.
Feel free to contact us if you have a question or would like a consultation regarding any of our above-mentioned services. We will be happy to answer you free of charge.
If you would like to receive a pricing offer, please click here.