Prof. Dr. CONSTANTIN TOTEV has been working since 1980 at the National Instittute and Museum of Archaeology of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. He has participated for many years in the archaeological excavations of the Old Bulgarian capitals Pliska, Preslav and Veliko Turnovo and their vicinity. In 1989 г. he defended a PhD dissertation at the Institute of Art Studies on the topic “Byzantine Steatite Icons from Bulgaria”. Totev has penned around 200 scientific articles devoted to mediaeval culture and arts and published in specialized journals in Bulgaria and abroad, such as Cahiers archeologiques, Dumbarton Oaks Paper, Byzantinoslavica, Vizantiiski vremennik, Antichnaia drevnost’ i Srednie veka, Problemi na izkustvoto, Archaeologia, Izkustvo, Starobulgaristika, Starobulgarska literature, Istoricheski pregled etc.