Lachezar Georgiev Georgiev was born on 3rd Oct. 1956 in the town of Veliko Turnovo. He graduated from St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo in Bulgarian Language and Literature and Publishing, Editing and Polygraphy as his second major. He has worked as an editor and chief editor at St. Cyril and St. Methodius University Publishing House in Veliko Turnovo. He has had a PHD degree since 1997 and has been Assoc. Professor of Book Publishing at the University of Veliko Turnovo since the autumn of 2003.
Lachezar Georgiev is the Head of the Department of Mass Communications and Librarian Studies in the Faculty of Economics at the University of Veliko Turnovo. He is the author of 35 fiction, documentary and theoretical books; he has more than 200 articles and study papers, published in scientific and fiction editions, as well as a large number of short stories. He is the chief editor of Publisher literary magazine – a magazine about books.