EUROPEISM – ITS paths AND passages
PENKA DANOVA. Europe, the European Southeast and Bulgaria in Medieval Italian Literature (13th–15th Centuries)
ANTOANETA BALCHEVA. The Road to Europe – the Metamorphoses of an Idea
LILIA KIROVA. The Crossroad and “the Other Europe” (Are Intercultural Borders Surmountable)
YORDANKA BIBINA. The Europeanization of Turkey: Spiritual Convergence or Synthesis?
YONKA NAYDENOVA. The Place of Hungarian Literature within the System of Artistic Structures in Bulgaria
NADIA DANOVA. “The Little Balkans” in Vienna
KALINA PEEVA. Women’s Rights and the Emancipation of Public Opinion (Comparative Study Based on the Bulgarian and Turkish Model)
ЗРИНКА БЛАЖЕВИЧ. Културни трансфери и преводи в южнославянската контактна зона в началото на Модерността: примерът с Павао Ритер Витезович (1652–1713)
ELENA STATEVA. Balkan Perceptions of “the Other” through the Centuries (Aspects of Their Formation)
LYUDMILA MINDOVA. “Balkan Baroque” or on the Challenges of Style and Place
ROUMIANA L. STANTCHEVA. Historical Nostalgia in Romanian and Bulgarian Literature
GYOZO TOKACS. Literary Communication in the Age of Reformation (Translated Literature in Hungary in the 16th Century)
MALAMIR B. SPASOV. The Balkan Specificity Lies within the Very Center of Its Own Absence?
FOTINI IANNIS CHRISTAKOUDI. On Some Major Features of Greek Symbolism
VESKO OBRESHKOV. Travel Writing on the Balkans (14th–17th Centuries) in the Swiss Scientific Archives
BLAGOVESTA IVANOVA. When the East meets the West: The St. Stefan church complex on the Golden horn in Istanbul
DOBRINA ZHELEVA-MARTINS. European Aesthetics and Creative Architectural Design in the Planning of the Monumental Part of Sofia in the Early 20th Century – St. Alexander Nevsky Square
MILENA GEORGIEVA. The Presence of the Foreigner in the Bulgarian Artistic Space in the Early 20th Century – Anna Hän-Josifoff and
the Society Savremenno Izkustvo. Part II
SPARTAK PASKALEVSKI. On the Issue of Artistic Synthesis in the 20th Century European and Balkan Art. The Creative Endeavours of Marin Goleminov, Nikos Skalkotas and Charilaos Perpessa
SASHA LOZANOVA. Jewish Religious Plastic Art from the First Half of the 20th Century
Genre | Psychology, History / Archaeology, Sociology / Politology, Culturology |
Size | 17 x 24 cm |
Pages | 388 pages |
Cover | paperback |
Language | Bulgarian |